Is shipping free?

Yes, Shipping is Free to the United States.

How long will my order take to get dispatched?

We just need no longer than 1 to 3 business days to deal with your order. Please contact us firstly ( for more details.

How long will my order arrive once shipped?

Usually shipping time takes 10-15 working days to arrive after dispatched. During rush days, please estimate extra 5 business days more than usual. You may opt to get expedited shipping for faster arrival.

Can I track my order?

5 working days after your parcel is shipped, you will receive an email with the courier's details and your consignment number, this can be used to track your order.

Can I change my address?

Please contact us ( to ask for change in address before your item has been dispatched.

Can I get delivery to countries outside of the U.S.?

We may offer international shipping but please contact us to ask for a more accurate response.

For further assistance please email our customer service department at

Please email and we will assist you!

Phone: Please call +1 (855) 568-1847 

Opening hours: 8am - 5pm PST Monday-Saturday

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